Saturday, March 24, 2007
i blogged @
6:26 PM
Friday, March 23, 2007
What is going on?!oh im sorry for not being able to post for such a long time. oh yes the band camp. haiya. too long dont feel like posting about it. haha well bubbles won the 'competition' thing. haha bubbles *clap clap* bloop! anyways! many things have happened over these few days. well i made some new drawings xD and well spent a little too much money over the weekends. oh no! i must not spend too much of my hong bao savings! haha.
i dont know what is the stupid problem of my blog. i cant seem to access it. well now i know im not the only who cant access it. its so annoying! im not sure whether its the skin's problem or not. so ive decided to changed my skin! hope this solves my problem.
lala i feel like playing sims. i have yet to experience winter in sims yet. hahas and i cant seem to be able to find the new object which is the wishing well. they said it is an aspiration reward. but i cant find it =O
man O levels are next year! its so troubling. i feel like im slacking right now! ms chong said our maths mid year has parts of sec2 maths! but i dont know where ive placed all my notes!! oh nooo! im so in deep trouble. ahhh!
okay shall go play sims now <3 love love. hahas.
ps. i seem to enjoy drawing the two girls from my previous post. im like making a 'collection' out of them xD wonder what should i call it. hmms
i blogged @
6:35 PM
Monday, March 12, 2007
Ooops! Back to post again.
hellos! hmms. havent been posting. anyway, went to ice skate again on 9th march. yeah i suppose its pretty late now to post again it. oh wells. you know how empty the place was! there were only like i dont know. maybe about 10 people or more skating only! hahas. so fun! well it felt really empty xD it felt so wrong. =)
watched a movie after that. wanted to watch 'just follow law' but that movie was not screened at that particular cinema. so we watched 'pursuit of happyness' instead. it was touching. uhhuh. yes i mean touching til tears can flow out of your eyes~ hahas.
hmms lets see. nothing much happened on friday.
all right! went to christine's house today. we baked
cookies! hahas oh goodness! you should have seen the amount of butter sugar and eggs. man! hahas so fattening. i once told my mum when i was baking cookies in the kitchen and i said 'ma, after youve seen the proceedure of making cookies, you'll never want to eat them again' haha! oh well! who can resist the delicious oven fresh cookies! xD ann-marie wants to give a
BIG one to mr.yeo haha!
after the tiring sectionals. hahas dora showcased her professionalism on the piano in christine's house. sighh! shes
SOO good. i want to be professional on the piano too! hahas but its too hard. oh dora has this ear for music as well xD thats so good!
you heard that dora! im praising youu~ hahas.
completed the series. its a nice show yeah! hahas. its a pity so many people died. oh cookies!*hearts* i was listening to the syf choice piece recording that day and i realised how
TERRIBLE i sound! thats bad! and syf is like less than a month away! dang! my tone is just so terrible. out of tune. cant tongue various parts. i just sound ugly! i wonder how christine does it! hmms.
im starting to doubt whether our band can successfully get a gold for this syf. it seems almost impossible. sighh~ arghhs!! need a good tone! honestly, the feeling for the music is there. its only the tone. i dont have the tone to support that feeling! URGHS! make me sound so
TERRIBLE. all the squeaking. arghhs! so annoying. i shall work hard!
all right i'd better end here. got to wake up early tmr.
(picture featuring: the twins! well not exactly THE twins. i dont know where they came from. just wanted to draw them. i still like drawing the elements darkness and light. sighh~ cant be helped huh.)
i blogged @
8:38 PM
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
My eyesight is deteriorating!
aw man! my poor eyes! i feel that ive been using them too often now adays! im so mean xD my eyesight is getting worsee! maybe when i grow up i'll consider doing laser too! hahas. hmm lets see. tmr's the last day of school for us. going to ice skate on friday again! whoohoo! hahas. can you believe it i rushed through my maths holiday homework just a few hours ago. man! i feel like completing the holiday homework before holidays 'start' sigh!!
im going to play sims tonight! xD you know my teenage boy got nibbled by the wolf! when i was trying so hard for the mother to get nibbled! what nonsense man! maybe youre supposed to have the wants to become a werewolf in your aspiration? oh i dont know~ now the whole family wants to be werewolves xD maybe i can try again later hahas.
by the way, i was in the bus coming home this afternoon. then at this junction. well its not really a junction but there was a small road on the left for the cars from bishan street 11 to come out to braddel where comfort delgro was. then there was this blue medium sized bus. not the big big ones xD well it was like 'speeding' out from that road and i suppose it was trying to outrun the bus which i was on! then we ALMOST crashed man! well not sure. from where im seeing it. yes! we almost crashed into each other! and i was RUSHING home!! hahas. if there WERE an accident i'll be DELAYED!
then after that. everything went PRETTY well. like yeah. then SUDDENLY! there was this bump and a BOOM sound from the back of the bus. i was like 'huh?' hahas yeah i turned around i realised that the same blue medium sized bus was in contact with the back of the bus. and i was like 'omg? i am rushing home here! what unluckiness!' then the bus driver got down the bus checked the behind of the bus and took down something on a piece of paper and got up again. MAN! good thing nothing much happened or not i would have been so late when i reached home!
and yes the bus continued on its journey. hahas yeah i alighted at my stop. walked towards my block and i saw denise. yeah then we were in the same lift. well it felt pretty awkward. it was silence and all xD yes we did 'conversed' a little. is it conversed? oh whatever. the usual hi and byes hahas. and i finally came home! yes then i did the usuals rushed through maths and thats about all for today. write again soon.
ps. i LOVE ANIMALS! and of course the WILDLIFE! hahas so random =D
(picture featuring: just a random picture of polar bears! mother and child? found it in the computer xD)
i blogged @
5:39 PM
Saturday, March 03, 2007
Finally back!hellos! im back! whooos! man sorry i didnt take any photos to show cause i didnt bring my camera there. uhhuh. alright! yes i have sunburns!! so freaking painful!! on my cheeks nose and hands. oh so terrible! hahas. okay! i shall start posting about it.
warning: this is a longgg post! =DDay #1woke up as usual at 6am. headed for school with all the bags! man! heavyy! then after the long wait for assembly and the bus to arrive. we headed for kallang for dragon boating! whoosh! oh but it was drizzling. gosh! wet day. then 3/1 got to dragon boat first and our class just did some camp cheers and stuff. after an hour and a half, we finally put on our life jackets and took a paddle and were ready to boat! it was still drizzling. bad weather. our class was divided into groups and we headed out to the river! rolled and rolled. there was this wooden platform thing floating atop the surface of the river and it was like wobbly. so cool!
got up the boats and rolled out! hahas. yes our hands got tired after awhile. i mean awhile like maybe 15 strokes and more we start to get tired xD and we did 'viking ship' on the boats. like we sat on the edges of the boat. i dont know whats it called. it felt like scary. like you were falling into the river. and also, the water kept coming into the boat because we rocked the thing pretty vigorously xD we did another one when we put our feet facing the outside of the boat. and rocked and got our shoes completely submerged in water. so wet and soggy! felt so gross xD
before going to the camp site, we waited behind the coasta sands resort rooms. like infront of the entrance to the rooms. and cheered and played the 'wheres my peanut' game. its was really fun! hahas its like one group sings 'wheres my peanut~' the other will answer
eg. 'in the toilet~' and we continue singing until the group has nothing to say anymore. we kind of went off point xD that was the fun part. hahas!
eg.'in the red dot' 'wheres the red dot' 'why so stupid' 'whats your problem' 'want fight is it' 'you start first' 'why you scared'. hahas then the instructor stopped the game before we went into further '
violence' xD
after that we went for a quite wash and waited for a long time for the bus and headed back to the camp site. then we proceeded to this amazing race thing. we had to walk around the area to look for various symbols. we had to read the 6 figure grid reference thing. and find our way around uhhuh. it was tiring and wet! sheesh. it rainned for like the whole day! drizzle drizzle drizzle. so annoying! yeah then the clock struck 5. so we all gathered back at the camp site.
we had to set up our tents. and the tents looked quite small when we set it up. but when we looked in it, it was well pretty spacious for 4 people. but maybe it wasnt as spacious for 5 people.
we were released for wash-up time! however the queue outside the toilet was
SUPER LONG! like i mean super long! there were practically
40 or more people outside! like goodness. so we decided to bathe later at night. then after dinner we had this nght confidence walk thingy. it was to boost our courage? hahas. we learnt to overcome various fears. hahas. well we had to walk this REALLY DARK route and then out from the other end. and i mean really dark! cause there were no lights its very dark and errie! hahas.
we went in groups of 4s. wow better than pairs! like omg. cause at first the guy said go in pairs. like good thing its in 4s hahas. yes nicole melissa denise and me were in a group. and melissa and denise walked infront xDD yes it was really dark! i think walking infront is pretty scary! hahas. then out of the blues there will be instructors jumping out scaring you. hahas! so idiot. like some sort of haunted house xD it was fun though. hahas!
it was so late! like 12pm by then. it was about time to sleep. so we went to bathe. and there were still quite a number of queueing up but it wasnt as bad. yes we waited and finally got in. you know some people bathed for such a long time! and when i got in not long. this girl like said "eh i think she went in very long liao. times up!" like what the! i went in later than the other 2 people and came out before them!? what nonsense! they claim we were only given 3 minutes. but hello i dont think i even went in for 3 minutes! sheesh
alright! a long day. everybody was tired. we finally got to sleep in our tents! it was so cool! ive never slept in a tent before. hahas! it felt so cozy. OH but the people around us were talking talking and TALKING so loudly!! goodness how to sleep?? in the end we managed to =)
Day #2okay. i didnt wake up willingly today! i was woken up by the NOISY BIRDS! goshh! they were chirping away so loudly! and they werent chirping in nice tunes but instead they were like alarm clocks. so loud. so noisy. so
DISTURBING *takes rocks and shoots birds* hahas.
after breakfast our class and some other classes went for our high element rope course. well i did the broken bridge one. it was pretty shaky. i think it was easier if you gained the momentum to move forward. or not you'll keep stopping and then when you stop sometimes the piece of wooden plank keeps shaking and you'll grow more and more firghtened about it. well it wasnt as difficult as the horizontal playpen which included rock climbing. sideways hahas.
after sitting under the hot scorching sun for many many many hours! it was lunch time! goodness the weather was REALY hot!!(thats how i got my sunburns. sigh~) and i think i didnt drink enough water and worsen my ulcers!! well we waited for
hours for the lunchtruck to arrive. gosh! we were all starvingg! we went on to low element rope course without having lunch. the weather was starting to change! and it started to drizzle when our meals finally arrived and we had our lunch.
after that, we headed to the other side of the high element rope course thing and had this team challenge thing where 2 people will climb up the rope course together. so first gracia and sharleen went up first. wow! you know there were so brave!! they just kept climbing and climbing upwards. as if they werent afraid of heights! like really courageous! but they didnt manage to get all the way up to ring the bell.
then after another pair, andra and alesia(sp?) went up. wow there really is an advantage being tall. they managed to climb all the way up to ring the bell together! so cool man. and having long legs. they could just climb from one log to another without putting as much effort as the people like me who have shorter legs T.T hahas. sigh! then it started to rain again. goodness. the funny weather! sheesh. oh this time it rainned really heavily!! so we ran under shelter infront of the coasta sands resort rooms entrances hahas. then we cheered and played the 'wheres my peanut' game. hahas!
after waiting for the rain to stop we went back to the campsite and hell! the tents were all
FLOODED!! well fortunately our tent wasnt that bad. like only half of the tent was wet. and our things were quite dry except for some sleeping bags and some pillows! hahas. and our tent entrance was like flooded! my shoe collected water xD then we cleared the water out of the tent.
alright. then we went to coasta sands resort again for dinner cause the ground was so muddy and wet. hahas. yeah had dinner by the poolside there xD and after that we went into this vanda hall thing for the 'campfire' well cause it was kind of wet back at the tentage area. so had the gala night presentation in a hall at the resort. the hall wasnt really very big so yeah. we cheered we sang it was really noisy! hahas. then we moved onto the class presentations. and then we had this powerpoint presentation by one of the instructors about the camp days. it was great! hahas.
i was tired! gosh. hahas then the instructor told us that we'll be going back to school given the wet conditions back at the tentage area. so yeah everybody screamed and shouted. then we walked briskly back to our tentage area to pack our stuff and walked back to coasta sands again. gosh was it tiring! then we waited awhile for our buses and headed back to school!
slept in the hall that night. the cold hard floor. honestly i'd rather sleep in a tent on a soft grassy area than just on the sleeping bag on the cold hard wooden floor in the hall. hahas. shared my sleeping bag with melissa cause hers got wet. wow i was sleeping on the floor. like i mean directly sleeping on top of it. hahas my back ah! xD the night was cold and i think it rainned! gosh rain again xD
Day #3 (today)alright! it wasnt so bad today cause i woke up 'willingly' xD the people werent as noisy as in band camp xD maybe cause the hall was big and sound travelled upwards =O yeah had breakfast and then we had this team building relay circuit was it? we were given a series of obsticle courses. so yeah we had lots of fun and a lot of perspiration xD the games ended pretty quickly. and then we were gathered in the hall for a debrief. yes the instructor. what was his name again? saneth was it? i forgot the spelling. gave us this goodbye 'speech' hahas. and had a showcase of the lost and found xD
the first half of the day ended pretty quickly. and that was the only few minutes we got left with our class incharge instructors. sigh~ so yeah took a picture. oh not my camera though xD and
BREAK CAMP!! hmm i feel pretty empty now. hahas knowing that i'll never see them ever again xD oh unfortunately there was band afterwards. i didnt even bathe! i felt so grosss!!!! hair is sticky!! so yeah had a short 1 hour band practise. oh i feel so tired today! been through so much in the past few days.
alright! it was well a great camp although i kept saying it was terrible cause of the rain hahas. but truthfully it was really wonderful and
thank you instructors for everything!i'll end off here now.
i blogged @
3:30 PM